Level Up Your Game: 5 Pro Tips to Slay the Competition in Free Fire

Don't Rush – Play Strategically –  This ain't Far Cry! Avoid rushing in. –  Free Fire is a battle royale, focus on survival, not speed. –  Loot up quietly. Don't give away your position with unnecessary gunfire. Engage only when necessary.

Stay on High Ground – Gain the height advantage. –  See enemies first and attack before they see you. – Seek high ground for better vision and strategic positioning.

Keep Switching Locations –  Avoid becoming a predictable target. – Don't stay in one spot too long. Enemies can track you down. –  Keep moving and switch locations to stay undetected. Move towards the safe zone.

Use Gloo Wall Only When Required –  Use this unique feature strategically. –  Gloo Wall provides cover, but don't waste it. – Use it wisely, not in close combat. In emergencies, use it for cover while reviving yourself.

Heal and Revive – Prioritize staying healthy. – A healthy character has a better chance of survival. – Heal up whenever you get the chance. Look for medkits and maintain full health.