What is ‘look who just died’ scam on Facebook that is locking users out of their accounts: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Cybercriminals are now using a new tactic of ‘look who just died” to lock users out of their Facebook accounts.

Victims are sent a phishing link claiming to be news of the death of someone they knew or admired.

They are asked to provide their Facebook credentials to access the news, after which they are locked out of their accounts.

What does the message read The message says, “Look who just died,” and contains a link that seems to lead to a news article about the person’s death. The message may include phrases like “So sad” or “I know you know him/her” to make the recipient think that the deceased was a famous person or someone they know personally.

How does the ‘look who just died’ scam works Scammers may ask for Facebook login details, which can lead to account access and potential theft of financial information. Fake news links may also install malware on the device, giving hackers access to personal data.

How your friends may also be at risk Once the hacker gains control of your account, they can lock you out and then send similar messages to your friends from your account.