Apple Reportedly Rejects Meta AI For its Chatbot, To Work with OpenAI and Possibly Google

HomeTech NewsArtificial Intelligence(AI)Apple Reportedly Rejects Meta AI For its Chatbot, To Work with OpenAI and Possibly Google


  • Apple rejects Meta’s offer to integrate Llama chatbot
  • Apple partners with OpenAI for ChatGPT integration
  • Apple’s own AI features coming in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia
  • Meta focuses on AI deployment in its own apps like Instagram and WhatsApp

Despite some earlier reports to the contrary, Apple’s not too keen on cozying up with Meta when it comes to AI.

According to a new Bloomberg report, the iPhone maker has turned down Meta’s offer to integrate their Llama chatbot into Apple devices.

Apple’s AI Dance Card: Who’s In and Who’s Out?

Apple Reportedly Rejects Meta AI For its Chatbot, To Work with OpenAI and Possibly Google
Apple Reportedly Rejects Meta AI For its Chatbot, To Work with OpenAI and Possibly Google

However, while Meta’s getting the brush-off, Apple’s been chatting up other AI bigwigs.

They’ve already inked a deal with OpenAI for ChatGPT integration (that happened back in June), and there are reports the company is eyeing up Google’s Gemini for a future partnership.

So, why the snub for Meta?

Well, it seems Apple’s got some concerns about Meta’s privacy policies.

And let’s face it, Meta’s reputation in the privacy department isn’t exactly squeaky clean.

Apple’s apparently worried about how cozying up to Meta might look to their users.

Here’s the thing – Apple’s not just shopping around for AI partners.

Apple rejects Meta's offer to integrate Llama chatbot
Apple rejects Meta’s offer to integrate Llama chatbot

They’re cooking up their own AI features too.

Come iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, we’ll be seeing Apple’s homegrown Apple intelligence features.

They’re betting big on their privacy narrative, and building their own AI lets them keep tight control over that.

But they’re not completely going it alone.

That deal with OpenAI?

It means ChatGPT subscribers can access their accounts right through iOS.

OpenAI gets a new revenue stream, and Apple gets to skim a little off the top with App Store commissions.

A demo for the same has already been revealed at WWDC earlier this month.

Meta’s Plan B: Riding on Its Own Apps

Meta focuses on AI deployment in its own apps like Instagram and WhatsApp
Meta focuses on AI deployment in its own apps like Instagram and WhatsApp

Now, don’t feel too bad for Meta.

They might not be getting in bed with Apple’s millions of devices, but they’ve got a pretty good consolation prize – billions of users across Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Messenger.

In fact, they’ve just unleashed their Meta AI chatbot on users in India, which also happens to be their biggest market.

Apple might just be making the right call by keeping Meta at arm’s length.

The Cupertino Giant’s stringent privacy policy anyways didn’t leave much room for any kind of deal with Meta, a company that has built a business on selling user data.

It’ll be interesting to see how this AI chess game plays out in the coming months.

One thing’s for sure – the AI race is heating up, and everyone’s jockeying for position.


Why did Apple turn down Meta’s offer to integrate their Llama chatbot?

Apple declined Meta’s offer due to concerns about Meta’s privacy policies and potential implications for Apple’s user base.

Who has Apple partnered with for AI integration?

Apple has partnered with OpenAI for ChatGPT integration and is reportedly considering a future partnership with Google’s Gemini.

What AI features is Apple developing on its own?

Apple is developing its own AI features, which will be included in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, focusing on maintaining user privacy.

How will ChatGPT integration benefit Apple users?

ChatGPT integration allows subscribers to access their accounts directly through iOS, enhancing functionality and providing a seamless user experience.

What is Meta’s strategy after Apple’s rejection?

Meta is focusing on deploying its Meta AI chatbot across its own apps, such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Messenger, particularly in its largest market, India.

Also Read: Apple Intelligence: AI-Powered Enhancements Boost Company Stock to Record High

Also Read: Apple to Integrate OpenAI Technology in iOS 18: Enhancing AI Features

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