Apple Teases AI-Enhanced Siri Ahead of WWDC 2024: A Top-to-Down Improvement?

HomeTech NewsArtificial Intelligence(AI)Apple Teases AI-Enhanced Siri Ahead of WWDC 2024: A Top-to-Down Improvement?


  • Apple hints at an AI-powered Siri revamp at WWDC 2024.
  • Siri’s AI upgrade promises more coherent responses and improved functionality.
  • AI enhancements expected across applications like Notes, Messages, and Safari.
  • The new Siri could transform into a versatile and intelligent assistant.

The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 is knocking at the door, and the most anticipated revelation right now is about the AI-powered overhaul of Apple’s virtual digital assistant, Siri

When Siri made her debut in 2011, along with the iPhone 4s, she remained an underachiever over the years, failing to keep pace with the kind of smarts dished out by the likes of Google Assistant.

Hints on an AI-Powered Siri Renaissance

A New Direction: Apple's AI Ambitions
WWDC event in June, Apple is expected to Apple hints at an AI-powered Siri revamp at WWDC 2024a range of AI features

Apple has been on a teasing spree recently for the upcoming WWDC 2024 event

In line with this trend, the iconic Apple logo is presented in a mix of blue, purple, white, and pink colours—the official colour scheme for Siri

This not-so-subtle hint points out that Apple is preparing to show off a significant revamp of its virtual assistant coupled with the power of artificial intelligence.

Siri has long played second fiddle to the Google Assistant for those things, relegated to setting timers and alarms where it shines.

Apple’s tease rekindled hope that Siri might finally catch up with AI-generated summaries and offer more coherent responses to our questions, which would go a long way in making the digital companion useful.

Siri For An AI World

AI enhancements expected across applications like Notes, Messages, and Safari
AI enhancements expected across applications like Notes, Messages, and Safari

Although Siri has had its restrictions, Apple’s strengths in AI and machine learning have already been seen in different applications like the impressive image recognition and editing capabilities in iOS

With advanced AI technologies reaching Siri, it could finally become a versatile and intelligent assistant.

Going beyond asking questions, an AI-powered Siri can control individual applications through voice commands, further adding to the utility of this assistant in our everyday lives.

Apple has hinted that applications like Notes, Messages, Voice Memos, and Safari will also get AI enhancements with the introduction of iOS 18, which could be the beginning of a more seamless and intuitive user interface across the board.


What is the major announcement expected at WWDC 2024?

Apple is expected to reveal a significant AI-powered overhaul of its virtual assistant, Siri.

How is Apple hinting at the new Siri features?

Apple has been using a colour scheme associated with Siri in its WWDC 2024 teasers, suggesting a major update.

What improvements can we expect from the AI-powered Siri?

The new Siri is anticipated to offer AI-generated summaries, more coherent responses, and enhanced control over individual applications through voice commands.

How has Siri compared to other virtual assistants like Google Assistant?

Historically, Siri has lagged behind Google Assistant in terms of functionality and intelligence, primarily used for setting timers and alarms.

What other applications might receive AI enhancements with iOS 18?

Applications like Notes, Messages, Voice Memos, and Safari are expected to receive AI enhancements, providing a more seamless user experience.

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