Apple Unveils ‘Apple Intelligence’ with Generative AI and Advanced Siri at WWDC 2024

HomeTech NewsArtificial Intelligence(AI)Apple Unveils 'Apple Intelligence' with Generative AI and Advanced Siri at WWDC 2024


  • Apple Intelligence integrates generative AI for text and image creation
  • Enhanced Siri with context-aware responses and seamless interactions
  • New privacy-focused features ensuring data security on-device
  • Available on iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia with Apple Silicon chips

During WWDC 2024, Apple unveiled ‘Apple Intelligence’—its next-gen take on generative AI.

Described by Tim Cook as a type of “personal intelligence,” Apple Intelligence promises to make the company’s products more useful and delightful.

Among these things are several dozen large language and diffusion models, including ChatGPT.

This AI assistant will also use personal data, calendars, emails, and information that is stored in various Apple devices.

Just like Microsoft’s Copilot in Windows, Apple Intelligence can perform OS-level tasks and generate text or images inside any app on a user’s phone, tablet, or laptop.

But Apple guarantees that the data is secure on-device and hence, only relevant knowledge is sent to the cloud, and the servers are powered by Apple Silicon chips.

Well, here’s what all you can do from Apple Intelligence.

Siri Reimagined: A More Intuitive and Context-Aware Assistant

Now users can type to Siri, and switch between text and voice to communicate with Siri in whatever way feels right for the moment.
Now users can type to Siri, and switch between text and voice to communicate with Siri in whatever way feels right for the moment.

Finally Siri also becomes more human, understanding a lot more and responding to much more natural language.

If users stutter on their words or change their minds mid-sentence, the new Siri will pick up on their intentions.

Siri is also able to make calls to ChatGPT or other AI models that provide additional computing power and intelligence when needed.

One of the most significant changes in the new Siri is its redesigned human-computer interface.

Using what the company describes as a card system—this time around, one that draws information from a variety of content for handling a user command—Apple has also applied soft light, which beams across the length of the device’s frame.

With onscreen awareness, Siri makes it easy to perform an action related to information on the screen, such as adding an address received in Messages to a friend’s contact card.

With onscreen awareness, Siri makes it easy to perform an action related to information on the screen, such as adding an address received in Messages to a friend’s contact card.

And according to its maker, this new look improves user engagement and intuitiveness with the virtual assistant.

Apart from the redesigned look, the new Siri has more advanced features that include the listening and reply to context.

The user does not have to restate something in following lines, as Siri will smoothly keep in mind what the user is talking about.

It makes any interaction seem more efficient and natural.

Screen perception is another game-changing functionality of Siri, wherein it is able to understand the content a user is browsing and provide operation suggestions for emerging applications.

Siri can now take hundreds of new actions in and across apps, including finding book recommendations sent by a friend in Messages and Mail.
Siri can now take hundreds of new actions in and across apps, including finding book recommendations sent by a friend in Messages and Mail.

For example, on the aforementioned form where the user is required to enter a driver’s license number, Siri will be able to find the person’s e-driver’s license and pull out the number in question.

Complementing its contextual awareness, Siri now also comes with a richer product knowledge base, empowering it to help users resolve device-related issues more productively.

For any queried new flagship feature like this one, “How do I write a message now and set a delayed delivery?”

in which Siri is directly able to guide them through the new “Scheduled Delivery” functionality added to the iOS 18 Messages app, which now lets people schedule messages for future delivery.

This enhanced product knowledge extends beyond messaging, providing users with a comprehensive resource for navigating and leveraging the latest features and capabilities across Apple’s ecosystem.

Text Rewrite and Proofreading

With brand-new systemwide Writing Tools powered by Apple Intelligence, users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text nearly everywhere they write.
With brand-new systemwide Writing Tools powered by Apple Intelligence, users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text nearly everywhere they write.

Here are other things that you can do: Create or rewrite text to have it be more engaging or more easily readable.

Rewrite and Writing tools tone an email or speech.

Make a party invitation Funny.

Clean up notes from class.

It is available system-wide in Apple apps and third-party apps. Apart from that you also get:

  • Proofreader: check grammar, word choice, and sentence structure with suggestions for edits and explanations.
  • Summarize: condense selected text into a summary with bullet points, paragraphs, or a table.

Generative AI with Apple Intelligence

Easy to use and built right into apps like Messages, Image Playground allows users to create fun images in seconds.
Easy to use and built right into apps like Messages, Image Playground allows users to create fun images in seconds.

Apple Intelligence also introduces generative images through diffusion models akin to DALL-E or Midjourney.

Users can create personalised emojis, GIFs, and fun images within apps like Notes, Messages, Pages, and Keynote.

A dedicated ‘Image Playground’ app allows users to generate animations, illustrations, and sketches instantly.

Impressively, all images are created using locally running diffusion models, ensuring no data leaves the device.

In Messages, users can use Image Playground to quickly create fun images for their friends, and see personalized suggested concepts related to their conversations.
In Messages, users can use Image Playground to quickly create fun images for their friends, and see personalized suggested concepts related to their conversations.

Users can choose from various concepts, themes, and styles, and even include photos from their libraries.

The Photos app receives a significant upgrade, with a new layout, custom category and gallery creation, and enhanced image editing capabilities powered by Apple Intelligence.

With Memories, Apple Intelligence can pick out the best photos and videos based on a user’s description, craft a storyline, and arrange it all into a movie with its own narrative arc.
With Memories, Apple Intelligence can pick out the best photos and videos based on a user’s description, craft a storyline, and arrange it all into a movie with its own narrative arc.

The ‘Clean Up’ tool can remove distracting objects from photo backgrounds with a single tap.

App Modifications

By simply typing a description, a Genmoji appears, along with additional options.
By simply typing a description, a Genmoji appears, along with additional options.

Whether it’s an agent-like ability enabling it to originate actions within and across systems and apps, or its capability for fetching personal data, including email, calendar invitations, and documents, to retrieve and analyze — the assistant is able to proffer suggestions based on one’s schedule and situation.

Privacy is still a central theme for Apple Intelligence.

Apple has embedded 'Private Cloud Compute,'
Apple has embedded ‘Private Cloud Compute,’

Though Apple Intelligence is mostly on-device, for the really heavy lifting that involves releasing more resources like those available in ChatGPT, Apple has embedded ‘Private Cloud Compute,‘ which will push device-level privacy and security to that model in the cloud.

Apple is now adding OpenAI’s GPT-4o to the Apple ecosystem, so that based on the app or tool one is already in, one can continue sending prompts, images, or documents to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT will be available in Apple’s systemwide Writing Tools in macOS, which help users generate content for anything they are writing about.
ChatGPT will be available in Apple’s systemwide Writing Tools in macOS, which help users generate content for anything they are writing about.

The app or tool does not need to be left, and soon it will be in Siri as well, so Siri can leverage the power of GPT-4o in cases where local models come up a bit short.

Which Devices will Get Apple Intelligence?

Apple A17 Pro Chipset
Available on iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia with Apple Silicon chips

Apple Intelligence will be available for free in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this fall, initially in US English.

It will require an Apple Silicon chip, including M-series Macs, iPads, and the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models with the A17 chip or later.

So what about people on older iPhones?

Well they are bang out of luck.

Apple’s AI capabilities need a lot hardware acceleration which only the A17 Pro chipset can provide so bringing the update to older iPhones seems out of the realm of possibilities.


What is Apple Intelligence?

Apple Intelligence is Apple’s next-generation AI assistant, unveiled at WWDC 2024.

It integrates generative AI, allowing for advanced text and image creation, and enhances Siri with more intuitive and context-aware responses.

How does Apple Intelligence enhance Siri?

The new Siri can understand more natural language, handle context-aware interactions, and perform tasks using a redesigned human-computer interface.

Siri can now also call on external AI models like ChatGPT for additional computing power.

What are the new features of Apple Intelligence?

Apple Intelligence includes a range of new features such as text rewriting, proofreading, summarizing capabilities, and generative image creation through diffusion models.

It also offers enhanced privacy features with data processing primarily on-device.

Which devices will support Apple Intelligence?

Apple Intelligence will be available on devices with Apple Silicon chips, including M-series Macs, iPads, and iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models with the A17 chip or later.

It will be included in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia.

How does Apple ensure privacy with Apple Intelligence?

Apple Intelligence processes most data on-device to ensure user privacy.

For tasks requiring more resources, ‘Private Cloud Compute’ is used, maintaining device-level privacy and security while leveraging the cloud for heavy computational tasks.

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