

Meta Announces New Privacy Controls for EU Users: Unlinking Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp

Highlights EU users can now unlink Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp accounts. Changes in line with the upcoming Digital Markets Act (DMA). Enhanced user privacy...

Instagram Targets Teen Screen Time with New Nighttime Alert Feature

Highlights Instagram introduces a 10-minute nighttime usage alert for teenagers. Feature extends to Facebook and Messenger to encourage healthier screen habits. Parental supervision tools...

Samsung Galaxy S24 Series Gets HDR Integration on Instagram and Google Cloud-powered AI

Highlights Galaxy S24 maintains image quality on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. Integrates directly with social apps for HDR photo sharing. Advanced...

WhatsApp Unveils New UI and Features Echoing Instagram’s Style

Highlights WhatsApp introduces a new UI for Channel messages, echoing Instagram's style. Private Audience Selector enhances privacy for Status updates. Voice Status Updates allow...

Instagram Rolls Out New Add Yours Templates to Boost Story Interactivity

Highlights New Add Yours Templates for personalized Instagram Stories. Easy creation of custom templates with GIFs, text, and images. Feature enables collaborative storytelling on...
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