

Instagram Testing New Privacy Feature to Customise Likes Visibility

Highlights New Instagram feature allows customizable like visibility settings. Options include visibility to everyone, followers, close friends, or none. No confirmed launch date for...

Instagram Is Encountering Mysterious Audio Loss Bug in Older Videos

Highlights Instagram videos from June 2013 to October 2014 are losing audio. The issue, highlighted by Sam Sheffer, persists across all devices. Meta acknowledges...

WhatsApp To Soon Introduce Feature to Post Status Directly to Instagram Story

Highlights WhatsApp's new feature allows posting Status as Instagram Stories. Users retain control over which stories are shared on Instagram. Enhanced privacy with a...

Meta Ending Cross-App Messaging Between Instagram and Facebook Messenger This Month

Highlights Meta to disable messaging between Instagram and Facebook Messenger by mid-December 2023. Initial integration in 2020 allowed seamless communication across both platforms. Change...

Major Dating Apps Pause Instagram Ads Amid Concerns Over Inappropriate Content Placement

Highlights Dating apps pause Instagram ads due to explicit content concerns. Investigations reveal ads near inappropriate material. Match Group, Bumble halt Meta ads. Meta...
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