ChatGPT vs Copilot vs Google Gemini: Which is Better?

HomeTech NewsArtificial Intelligence(AI)ChatGPT vs Copilot vs Google Gemini: Which is Better?


  • ChatGPT amasses over 100 million users with its versatile content generation.
  • Microsoft Copilot integrates GPT-4 with Bing for up-to-date information and visuals.
  • Google Gemini, known for speed and accuracy, offers unlimited conversations.
  • Each AI tool caters to distinct preferences, from reliability to integration with digital ecosystems.

Unless you are living under a rock, you will know that we have entered properly in the era of AI.

In the span of just one year, the technology has seen a remarkable transformation, unveiling a new age where the synthesis of code, art, and even decision-making has been made accessible to a very large audience. 

This surge is primarily attributed to the advent of generative AI tools, which have revolutionized the way we approach tasks, simplifying complexities and enhancing productivity.

Now among the frontrunners of this technological leap is ChatGPT, which was the very first glimpse the world had of generative AI, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini. 

Each service offers unique capabilities and experiences.

Let’s have a look at these AI powerhouses, guiding you through their features, performance, and how they stack up against each other in the quest to be your go-to AI companion.

The Generative AI Revolution: A New Frontier

The Generative AI Revolution: A New Frontier
The Generative AI Revolution: A New Frontier

It’s no secret that Generative AI has emerged as a beacon of innovation, providing tools that extend beyond mere assistance to becoming integral parts of our digital interactions. 

ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini, each represent the pinnacle of this evolution, and each promises to enhance our digital experiences in distinct ways.

Whether it’s crafting content, coding, or curating resumes, the decision on which to rely hinges on understanding their strengths and limitations.

ChatGPT: The Trailblazer

ChatGPT: The Trailblazer
ChatGPT: The Trailblazer

Launched by OpenAI, ChatGPT has quickly became a household name, amassing over 100 million paid users in a short span.

Its simplicity and effectiveness in generating content have been lauded and despite occasional hiccups in accuracy due to its reliance on data up to January 2022, ChatGPT is the most popular GenAI Chatbot on the market.

Its journey has been marked by continuous improvements, including a more user-friendly interface and enhanced features like Custom Instructions.

However, its initial model, GPT-3.5, occasionally falters in understanding complex queries, as evidenced by incorrect responses to some basic maths problems. 

The solution?

ChatGPT Plus, which leverages GPT-4, and boasts superior accuracy and internet access for a comprehensive AI experience.

Microsoft Copilot: The Informative Navigator

Microsoft Copilot: The Informative Navigator
Microsoft Copilot: The Informative Navigator

Microsoft Copilot, born from the integration of GPT-4 into Bing, offers a fresh perspective on AI interactions by providing up-to-date information and a plethora of visual features. 

Unlike ChatGPT’s static database, Copilot’s internet access ensures responses are current and informative. Despite its expansive capabilities, users may find its interface less intuitive and its conversation limit somewhat restrictive.

Yet, its unique visual responses and ability to generate images make it a versatile choice for those seeking an AI that can do more than just converse.

Google Gemini: The Speedy Innovator

Google Gemini: The Speedy Innovator
Google Gemini: The Speedy Innovator

Formerly known as Bard, Google’s Gemini has undergone significant enhancements to address early criticisms.

Its speed and accuracy have seen remarkable improvements, making it a formidable contender in the AI arena. 

Unlike its rivals, Gemini doesn’t cap conversations, allowing for extended interactions. 

Most importantly its integration with the broader Google ecosystem, including Workspace and Maps, offers a seamless and enriched user experience, setting a new standard for what AI chatbots can achieve.

Basically, users who are very much into the Google Ecosystem will benefit the most from Gemini.

Choosing Your AI Companion: A Comparative Insight

Choosing Your AI Companion: A Comparative Insight
Choosing Your AI Companion: A Comparative Insight

Deciding between ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini boils down to what you value most in an AI tool.

If your priority lies in popularity and foundational reliability with an option to upgrade for enhanced capabilities, ChatGPT stands out. 

For those who crave the latest information complemented by visual aids, Microsoft Copilot is your go-to.

Meanwhile, Google Gemini appeals to users seeking swift, accurate responses integrated with the vast Google ecosystem for a comprehensive digital experience.

Choose wisely!


What are generative AI tools, and how do they transform digital tasks?

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini utilize advanced algorithms to automate content creation, decision-making, and various digital tasks, simplifying complex processes and boosting productivity.

What makes ChatGPT stand out among generative AI tools?

ChatGPT has gained popularity for its ease of use and effective content generation capabilities.

Despite some accuracy challenges, its continuous updates and the introduction of GPT-4 in ChatGPT Plus have significantly improved performance.

How does Microsoft Copilot differ from ChatGPT?

Microsoft Copilot, powered by GPT-4 and integrated into Bing, offers real-time information and unique visual features. Its dynamic response system and image generation capabilities provide a more informative and versatile AI experience.

What are the key features of Google Gemini?

Google Gemini excels in speed and accuracy, allowing for extended, unrestricted conversations.

Its seamless integration with Google’s ecosystem, including Workspace and Maps, offers users a comprehensive and efficient AI chatbot experience.

How do I choose the right AI tool for my needs?

Your choice should be based on your specific requirements: ChatGPT for a popular and evolving option, Microsoft Copilot for real-time information with visual aids, and Google Gemini for fast, accurate responses integrated with Google services.


Bard (now known as Gemini) is also a generative AI chatbot designed by Google that leverages machine learning and natural language processing to simulate human conversations.

Powered by Google’s Pathway Language Model 2 (PaLM 2), a large language model, it is trained on a large dataset of text, code, and images, allowing Bard to understand the world better.

Bard can help users in creative design, language translation, and, like ChatGPT and Bing Chat, answer questions and perform tasks, but with real-time factual accuracy, research, and understanding of complex concepts.

Bard can also access real-time information, making it useful for searches regarding recent events.


You guessed it! Bing Chat (now known as Copilot) is also an AI-powered chatbot developed by Microsoft and powered by ChatGPT 4.0.

However, unlike ChatGPT and Bard, Bing Chat is built into the browser’s sidebar for easy access.

It also has three conversational styles you can select and converse with – Creative, Precise, and Balance, offering a more customized addition to your conversations.

It is also the first AI chatbot to attach citations and sources to their answers, adding reliability.

What is unique about Bing Chat is that it can generate images using Bing Image Creator, taking generative AI chatbots to a new level.


ChatGPT 3.5, an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, is like a superior version of an automated chatbot service you find on customer service websites.

This generative AI tool converses in human-like responses after receiving our written input, where we often ask it to perform tasks – from suggesting a place to eat to creating an Excel template for your expenses.

You might be thinking, how can they perform such complex tasks in just a few seconds?

ChatGPT 3.5 explains itself:

“GPT 3.5 is pre-trained on massive datasets from the internet, exposing it to a diverse range of language patterns and information. This extensive training helps the model generalize well to a wide array of tasks” (ChatGPT 3.5, Jan 2024).

Having been pre-trained with large datasets, along with other factors, contributes to its efficiency. With the infinite data online, it is no surprise how powerful and knowledgeable this AI tool is. However, unlike search engines like Google, ChatGPT 3.5 can only access information up to January 2022. Thus, it is crucial to remind ourselves to check the generated answers by ChatGPT as their capabilities are limited to what they have learned during training. Machines can make mistakes!

What are ChatGPT Capabilities ?

Some notable features and capabilities of ChatGPT include:

Conversational Abilities: ChatGPT has powerful natural language processing skills and can intelligently answer follow-up questions based on context of the conversation so far.

Diverse Topics: Trained on a massive amount of text dialog data, ChatGPT can discuss an extremely wide range of topics, from technology to relationships to philosophy.

Creative Writing: Whether crafting poems, lyrics, code, or educational content, ChatGPT produces high quality written content tailored to criteria given.

Adapts Responses: It decides what content to generate based on examples and user preferences provided.

Here are some quick use cases where ChatGPT delivers value:

Research: Compile sources and summarize information about any topic instantly.
Content Creation: Write SEO blogs, marketing copy, essays, programming solutions based on prompts.
Conversation: Engage in intelligent discussion across diverse domains.

What are ChatGPT Limitations?

However, there are some key limitations to note:

Inaccuracies: Since ChatGPT doesn’t fact check itself, responses can sometimes be incorrect or biased. Evaluating truthfulness is required.

Hallucinations: When unsure of a response, ChatGPT may “hallucinate” fake details rather than saying “I don’t know”.

Harmful Instruction: It has no filters regarding dangerous, illegal, or unethical suggestions. Commands must be carefully considered before executing.

What are Microsoft Copilot Limitations?

Microsoft Copilot also comes with some limitations:

Problematic Recommendations: It sometimes suggests incorrect code that doesn’t handle edge cases properly. All code should be rigorously tested.

Limited Natural Language Understanding: While it generates code, Copilot can’t discuss code the way a human peer programmer can. Explanations are limited.

Potential Legal Issues: Since Copilot is trained on publicly available code, there are concerns about potential plagiarism and legal risks for production applications.

What are Google Gemini Limitations?

Since Google Gemini remains under development with details still emerging, some open questions include:

Availability: When will it launch? Will Google Gemini be free or paid?

Content Moderation: Can it avoid issues with toxicity, bias, misinformation etc?

Data Privacy: What user data will feed improvements? How will privacy be maintained?

Also Read: Microsoft Launches Copilot for Finance to Transform Financial Management; Edge Update Leaves Users Disgruntled

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