

Hirect App Review: A well-balanced platform for both companies and job seekers, with impressive interface

Many elements of our lives have been altered as a result of the pandemic. Our work, as well as the components associated to it,...

‘Samsung Smart School’ program launched at Varanasi Navodaya Vidyalaya

Electronics major Samsung today inaugurated its flagship global citizenship program Samsung Smart School at the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) school in Varanasi. The program...

Technologies that will change businesses forever

In recent times, we have observed most leading companies invest in Artificial Intelligence; it's faster, more accurate and seamless. We are already living in...

Five exclusive features of AI-enabled Qlan sets the stage up for a social network just for gaming aficionados

Qlan, the gamers’ social network, is a young setup established to bridge the need to create a one-stop networking platform that would be dedicated...

Hungama Artist Aloud presents fans independent content with launch of Hungama Artist Aloud App, a platform firmly rooted in tech and innovation

Hungama Artist Aloud is a platform that supports independent artists. It also helps in promoting their content. Now, the platform is all set to...