Grammarly Announces Strategic Layoffs Amid Shift to AI-Enabled Workplace


  • Grammarly to lay off 230 employees in a strategic restructuring effort.
  • Layoffs aimed at aligning with Grammarly’s shift towards an AI-enabled future.
  • Affected employees to receive three months’ base pay and health benefits.
  • Grammarly CEO sees AI integration as key to the company’s leadership in workplace innovation.

Grammarly has announced a restructuring process that will see 230 of its employees laid off worldwide.

The decision, as outlined by Grammarly CEO Rahul Roy-Chowdhury in a memo to the workforce, is more-or-less indicative that the company is making a bigger leap to an AI-enabled workplace, necessitating a reshuffle in the mix of capabilities and skillsets within the team.

“To arrive at today’s decision, we took a look at our organizational design and the current skillsets of our teams through the lens of our company strategy,” Grammarly CEO Rahul Roy-Chowdhury said in a memo to employees. “As we strengthen our focus toward driving the AI-enabled workplace and deepen our technical investments in AI, we will need a different mix of capabilities and skillsets. We also need to redesign our organization to improve the quality and speed of collaboration — and that means, among other things, restructuring roles and co-locating certain teams.”

“As for Grammarly’s future: We see massive opportunity as every individual and business begins to harness the power of AI,” Roy-Chowdhury said. “We’ll build on this foundation to bring even more value to our customers. AI will fundamentally change the workplace for the better—and Grammarly will play a leading role in driving that change.”

Reasoning Behind Grammarly’s Layoff

Grammarly’ to Layoff 230 employees

Roy-Chowdhury elaborated on the reasoning behind the layoffs, stating that the move was driven by a comprehensive review of the company’s organizational design and the skillsets of its current teams, all through the prism of Grammarly’s strategic vision.

He highlighted that the aim is not to cut costsas the company stands on a strong financial footing — but to streamline operations to enhance collaboration’s quality and speed.

This strategic shift entails the restructuring of roles and the co-location of certain teams to better align with the company’s future directions.

The layoffs span across most of Grammarly’s functions and geographies, marking a significant reshaping of the organization.

However, the company has committed to supporting the affected employees, offering a minimum of three months’ base salary and extending health insurance benefits, where applicable.

Grammarly Growing At a Fast Pace

Grammarly Growing At a Fast Pace

This restructuring comes at a time when Grammarly has experienced substantial growth, expanding its team from 200 to 1,000 employees over the last five years.

Throughout this period, the company has navigated through industry shifts and the global challenges posed by events like the war in Ukraine and the advent of a new era in AI technology.

These factors have prompted Grammarly to adopt a more strategic approach to its business operations and future planning.

Looking ahead, Roy-Chowdhury expressed optimism about Grammarly’s role in the evolving landscape, where AI’s integration into everyday business operations is becoming increasingly paramount.

He foresees a future where Grammarly not only adapts to but also leads in the AI-driven transformation of the workplace, offering enhanced value to its customers.


Why is Grammarly laying off employees?

Grammarly’s decision for layoffs is part of a strategic restructuring to better align with its vision for an AI-enabled workplace, focusing on enhancing collaboration and optimizing team skillsets for future needs.

How many Grammarly employees are affected by the layoffs?

The restructuring process impacts 230 employees across various functions and geographies, as part of Grammarly’s efforts to reshape its organizational structure.

What support is Grammarly providing to the laid-off employees?

Grammarly is offering support to affected employees, including a minimum of three months’ base salary and continuation of health insurance benefits, based on the location’s applicability.

How has Grammarly’s workforce changed in recent years?

Over the last five years, Grammarly has grown its workforce from 200 to 1,000 employees, adapting to industry shifts and global challenges to maintain strategic growth.

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