How to pin your conversation in Twitter inbox on smartphone and web browser

To help users declutter their inbox and find the important conversations easily, Twitter has rolled out a new feature to allow users to pin direct message (DM) in their inbox. Earlier, the facility was available only to blue tick users.

“Keep your fave DM convos easily accessible by pinning them! You can now pin up to six conversations that will stay at the top of your DM inbox. Available on Android, iOS, and web (sic),” reads a tweet by the Twitter Support.

Post the implementation of new features, all users of the micro-blogging site can pin up to six conversations at the top of their inbox.

It is also rumoured that Twitter may increase the number of conversations that you can pin in your inbox.

Steps to be followed to pin your conversation on smartphone

Step 1: Open Twitter app on your Android or iOS smartphone
Step 2: Go to your DM inbox
Step 3:Swipe right from the conversation that you want to pin
Step 4: Tap on the pin icon

Pin a conversation in Twitter inbox on web browser

Step 1: Login to your Twitter account on any web browser

Step 2: Go to your DM inbox

Step 3: Click on the three-dot icon and select pin conversation on the top

Additionally, the micro-blogging site is also is reportedly testing a new way to untag for users who do not wish to be part of a thread.

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