Huawei Vision Reportedly Set to Rival Apple’s Vision Pro with Advanced Features and Budget Pricetag


  • Huawei Vision to weigh only 350 grams, much lighter than competitors.
  • Boasts 4K Sony micro-OLED panels for an immersive viewing experience.
  • Lacks an EyeSight equivalent feature found in Apple’s Vision Pro.
  • Expected to be priced at around $1,750, offering a more affordable option.

Huawei is reportedly making strides with a new upcoming headset that it is calling Huawei Vision.

It is likely to be a device that could present a formidable challenge to Apple’s Vision Pro.

The Chinese social media platform Weibo

This news, originating from a post by Li Nan, the former marketing director at Meizu, on the Chinese social media platform Weibo and further reported by Wccftech, highlights Huawei’s ambitions in the newly emerging but competitive spatial computing domain.

Huawei Vision: Key Features Expected

Huawei Vision Reportedly Set to Rival Apple’s Vision Pro with Advanced Features and Budget Pricetag
  • Weight Advantage: The Huawei Vision is reported to tip the scales at a mere 350 grams, significantly lighter than the 600 grams of Apple’s Vision Pro.
    This reduced weight could offer a more comfortable user experience, potentially mitigating the physical discomfort some users have experienced with the Vision Pro.
  • Display Technology: Equipped with 4K Sony micro-OLED panels, the Huawei Vision aims to deliver an immersive viewing experience that rivals that of the Vision Pro.
    The choice of high-quality display panels indicates that Huawei is committed to providing a premium spatial computing experience.
  • Feature Set: Despite its impressive hardware, the Huawei Vision will not include a feature akin to Apple’s EyeSight.
    This technology allows bystanders to see a representation of the Vision Pro wearer’s eyes, facilitating more natural interactions. The absence of a similar feature in the Huawei Vision might be the biggest drawback for those comparing it to the Vision Pro.
  • Performance Considerations: Huawei’s push with its foundry partner, SMIC, towards 5nm chip production is noteworthy. However, it’s speculated that this chipset might not be ready in time for the Huawei Vision’s launch.
    Coupled with the potential use of a Kirin 9000S chip, there are concerns about whether the device can achieve the promised near-zero lag experience, especially under the load of 4K data streams.
  • Price Point: Perhaps one of the most compelling aspects of the Huawei Vision is its expected price range.
    At around $1,750, it is anticipated to be significantly more affordable than the Vision Pro, making it an attractive option for consumers seeking a high-quality spatial computing experience without the premium price tag.

Looking Ahead

Huawei Vision to weigh only 350 grams, much lighter than competitors

The Huawei Vision represents a bold step by Huawei into the spatial computing market, a domain where Apple’s Vision Pro has currently set a high standard.

With its lighter weight, high-quality display, and competitive pricing, the Huawei Vision might just have the potential to appeal to a broad audience.

However, challenges remain, notably in matching the performance capabilities of the Vision Pro and overcoming the absence of features like EyeSight.

Moreover, the timeline for the integration of 5nm chip technology will be critical to its success.

One thing is for certain – an increase in competition is where consumers stand to benefit, with more choices and potentially more accessible price points for cutting-edge technology.

Expected to be priced at around $1,750, offering a more affordable option


What makes Huawei Vision stand out from Apple’s Vision Pro?

The Huawei Vision is notably lighter, tipping the scales at 350 grams compared to the 600 grams of the Vision Pro, and is expected to feature 4K Sony micro-OLED panels, promising an exceptional viewing experience.

Will Huawei Vision include any interactive features like Apple’s EyeSight?

No, Huawei Vision is reported not to have a feature similar to Apple’s EyeSight, which could affect its appeal to users looking for more natural interaction capabilities in spatial computing devices.

What concerns exist regarding Huawei Vision’s performance?

There are speculations about the readiness of Huawei’s 5nm chip technology for the Vision’s launch and whether the device can deliver a near-zero lag experience with its current chipset, especially with 4K content.

How does Huawei Vision’s price compare to Apple’s Vision Pro?

The Huawei Vision is expected to be significantly more affordable, with a price point around $1,750, making it an attractive option for those seeking high-quality spatial computing experiences without the premium cost.

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