Paytm launches Vaccine Appointment Booking on the app

Homegrown digital financial services platform Paytm today rolled out vaccination slot booking in addition to its Vaccine Finder service on the app. Paytm users can now search, discover and also book their vaccination slots for both Covaxin and Covishield at the nearest center through the Paytm app.

The service would help Indians seamlessly book vaccination slots and gain immunity, helping in fighting the ongoing pandemic.

In May as vaccination opened for all in India, the company had launched Vaccine Finder on the app, with advanced filtering options that helped the user generate leads for vaccine booking, including information such as the type of vaccine available and the fee charged for it. The company said that over the last several weeks Paytm users have checked for the availability of vaccination slots via Paytm.

With the slot booking option now available on the app, users across the country can successfully complete their vaccination process.

“It is our endeavor to help India come out of this pandemic a lot stronger. Our vaccine finder will help citizens seamlessly book slots at the nearest center and get vaccinated,” said a Paytm spokesperson.

The service is one of the many measures that Paytm has undertaken as part of its COVID-19 relief measures. Under its #OxygenForLife initiative, Paytm Foundation has donated oxygen concentrators and is also setting up oxygen plants in government hospitals across the country.