Tag: spiderman

Marvel’s Spiderman Remastered; PC Modes for Gamers

Marvel has a huge fanbase for many, many years that increased manifolds with the emergence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in 2008 that...

Spider-Man Remastered PC Release Date, System Requirements, Price, Download Size, and More

The fourth exclusive for the PlayStation 4 to switch to a new platform is Spider-Man Remastered on the PC. The highly acclaimed film by...

Tech News Wrap: WhatsApp testing built-in ban appeal feature..and more

WhatsApp starts testing the ban appeal feature on its platform WhatsApp is known for suspending the accounts that violate the rules and regulations of the...

Update: Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales are coming to PC

It’s finally happening! After such long anticipations and discussions, PC players can now get a taste of Marvel’s popular web-slinging avenger in all its...

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