Twitter Users Complain of Issues with the App After Queen Elizabeth’s Demise

Twitter Issue

Twitter is arguably one of the most popular social media platforms we have today but over the years it has garnered a negative reputation of sorts where many have claimed it to be a place only meant for spreading hatred, toxicity, spite, bullying, and many other negative emotions.

Sure, the accusations are not completely unfounded, but it is also true that it has brought a great deal of transparency in the world by rendering print and electronic media kind of obsolete and none more so than in India.

Brief Summary

There are times when the website goes down due to enormous traffic or slows down to a great deal. This is exactly what has happened after the demise of Queen Elizabeth II as many users have complained that the Twitter website and its app have gone down considerably.

It has been more than 24 hours for since she passed away on September 8, 2022, but the site is only plunging further with numerous complaints doing the rounds since then where users have expressed their disappointment and asked authorities to look into the matter.

Netblocks is a network shutdown monitoring service considered as a watchdog organization that monitors cybersecurity and governs the numerous websites on the net, which means that its main purpose is to keep an eye on internet freedom.

It has shared the news that nearly 2000 Twitter users complained of that they were unable to access Twitter on Sep 8 while Downdetector, which is a website downtime tracker that informs users whenever Twitter or any online services’ official website or app goes down also showed a very low percentage.


Things are much better in India where only around 600 users have been unable to use Twitter on the day of the Queen’s passing, which is a fraction of the number of users in western countries.

The problem was similar in August 2022 when more than 50,000 users were unable to access Twitter for many hours but, again, things were quite good in India even then, according to Downdetector, which claimed that only around hundred users faced issues in operating Twitter.

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