8 Tips That Can Help You Lower Your Electricity Bill This Summer
Summers are stressful not only because they take a toll on your health but also put pressure on your electricity bill. Here are some tips to help you reduce your electricity consumption and save money.
Upgrade to energy efficient appliances Replace all the old appliances in your home with new ones. Go for models that have high Energy ratings, such as 4-star and 5-star. The higher the rating, the less power the appliance consumes.
Use a thermostat Do not rely on air conditioning for better room temperature. You can adjust the temperature through a thermostat by a few degrees in both summer and winter. Using a thermostat can reduce electricity consumption.
Switch to LED lighting Replace the conventional bulbs in your home with LED bulbs, which consume up to 90 percent less energy and last longer than incandescent bulbs.
Power off appliances when not in use Do not leave your appliances turned on all the time. A better solution would be to unplug electronics when they are no longer in use.
Use natural resources as much as possible Switch to natural resources for things such as air drying your clothes by hanging them.
Reduce your screen time While high screen time is not good for your health, it also impacts energy consumption. Use your devices such as laptops and smartphones as little as possible to save battery, thereby saving power consumption.
Cook strategically Go for pots and pans that dissipate heat evenly. This saves power consumption, especially if you are using an electricity-powered stove.
Seal air leaks Shut your doors and windows carefully so no gaps remain. Drafty windows and doors can let in hot or cold air, putting pressure on your HVAC system.