Leica Lux App with 15 Colour Profiles Launched for iPhones

Leica Lux App Features – Manual mode for exposure, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, focus, and RAW/ProRAW. – Auto mode for automatic adjustments. – Aperture mode with digital replicas of classic Leica lenses like Summilux-M 28 f/1.4 ASPH and Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH.

Leica Looks – 15 Leica Looks (colour profiles/filters) available. – Includes Leica Contemporary, Classic, Vivid, Natural, Eternal, and Black & White. – 5 free Leica Looks; additional Looks are paid.

Photos and Integration – Photos taken with the app are stored in an album titled "Leica Lux photos" in the iOS camera roll or Photos app.

Pricing and Availability – Free to install with basic features, 5 Leica Looks, and 1 lens imitation. Leica Lux Pro Subscription: – $69.99 per year – $6.99 per month – Full access to all Leica Looks, lens imitations, and manual exposure compensation. – Available on the Apple App Store for iPhones.