PUBG Mobile Hacks: Dos and Don'ts for Beginner Players

Dos and Don'ts for Beginner Players – Improve your game with these essential tips and tricks. – Master the basics to rank up and become a pro.

Choose the Right Landing Spot – Study the map to find the best landing areas. – Avoid popular spots like the military base and school to survive longer. – Look for less crowded areas with good loot.

Loot Efficiently – Focus on getting the right weapons like an assault rifle and an SMG. – Prioritize med kits, vests, and helmets, especially level 3 helmets. – Avoid picking up unnecessary items.

Give Callouts – Communicate with your teammates about enemy movements. – Share information about footsteps and gunshots. – Stick with your team to coordinate attacks and defenses.

Don't Waste Ammo – Avoid wasting bullets by firing excessively at one enemy. – Conserve ammo for crucial moments. – Efficient ammo usage can help you in critical situations.

Don't Go Solo – Stick with your team to increase survival chances. – Avoid going solo to prevent early deaths. – Team support is crucial for reviving and protecting each other.

Avoid Using Vehicles for Short Distances – Vehicle noise can attract enemies. – Use vehicles for long distances or reaching safe zones. – Avoid being sniped by keeping vehicle use to a minimum in close areas.