Unlock Your iPhone with Face ID while Wearing a Mask and Glasses: Handy Tips

How to Set Up Face ID with a Mask – Open Settings on your iPhone. – Navigate to 'Face ID & Passcode.' – Enter your passcode. – Enable 'Face ID with Mask' option.

Unlocking iPhone with Mask & Glasses – Open Settings on your iPhone. – Go to 'Face ID & Passcode.' – Enter your passcode. – Tap on the Glasses option. – Follow on-screen instructions to set up Face ID with mask and glasses.

Compatibility & Requirements – Face ID with mask and glasses works on iPhone 12 and newer models. – Requires iOS 15.4 or newer iPhone models. – Users with older iPhone models or iOS versions cannot use this feature.

– Face ID with mask and glasses is a convenient feature for newer iPhone users. – Ensure your iPhone model is compatible with iOS 15.4 or newer. – Enjoy seamless unlocking even with a mask and glasses.