Western Digital reiterates importance of data backup this World Backup Day

Data storage solutions provider Western Digital has announced the launch of #BackUpAndStaySafe to commemorate World Backup Day on March 31. The campaign is aimed at building awareness around the benefits and the importance of backing up digital content.

In the age of digitization and rapid technological evolution, the company wants to help empower consumers and reiterate the value of data safe-keeping and emphasize the importance of making data backups a regular habit.

This video-led digital campaign focuses on PC users who create and consumes content, for their work, study, or entertainment needs, as a part of their daily lives. The brand has released three real-life situation videos around data loss, that highlight how accidentally deleting files or a virus attack on a PC can spell disaster for the valuable data saved in it, and without backup, these files can be compromised for good.

Western Digital released numerous real lifestyle situations and backup word puns through social media creatives and videos as a teaser to this campaign. With a focus to grab audience attention, the creatives have been designed using unique catchphrases. All these curated content have been singularly focused on helping people relate to the benefits of backing up data.

Jaganathan Chelliah, Director- Marketing, India, Western Digital, said, “As a global leader in data storage technology, we have the onus of inculcating this critical digital habit amongst Indian consumers. And what better than using World Backup Day as an occasion to share this message with the consumers. Last year, we launched the ‘Back Up Nahi Toh Packup’ campaign, the whooping success of which inspired us to launch #BackUpAndStaySafe this year, in order to help the consumer understand the importance of backing up their data. As every piece of data is a priceless asset we possess, it is imperative that saving these becomes a natural habit for us.”

As a part of this campaign, Western Digital also unveiled a micro-site populated with informative posts, interesting facts about data backup, quirky creatives, myth busters, and interactive quizzes to make the experience more engaging for the visitors. Every visitor on the micro-site is also encouraged to take a pledge to backup their data.

Western Digital offers a range of data storage solutions such as the WD My Passport HDD portable drives, especially for data backup. The stylish design fits in the palm of a hand and offers a massive storage capacity of up to 5TB. Perfectly paired with WD Backup software and password protection, the My Passport drive helps keep your digital life’s contents safe and offers automatic backup.